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The most popular applications in Apklis during the quarantine

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Source: Website of the Cuban Computer Science Unviersity

Undoubtedly, the Internet and other technologies have been essential during the quarantine months because most people were not able to get out of their homes and used them to fight boredom. Applications for mobile devices have been especially important inside this digital ecosystem that has been visited by many in these months.
Which were the most used apps in Cuba during this isolation period? Which apps were created in that time? With what purpose? You will be able to know the answers to those questions on #LunesDeApp (#AppMonday), thanks to the data provided by the Cuban Center for Android Applications.
According to the information from the team of the Cuban APK store, the most downloaded applications during these three months were ToDus, Apklis, ¡Donde Hay!, UtilEs, Covid19 Cuba Data, Transfermóvil, MiClaseTV, Pesquisador Virtual, Enzona and Mi Alerta.

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