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The Minister of Communications evaluated the computerization process in Santiago de Cuba

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The Minister of Communications evaluated the computerization process in Santiago de Cuba
Tomado del Portal del Ciudadano Santiago de Cuba

The Minister of Communications of Cuba, Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, described the process of computerization of society in Santiago de Cuba as positive, orderly and following the demands of current times.

As part of his visit to the province, the head of MINCOM appreciated the initiatives taking place in the territory of Santiago for the promotion of actions associated with e-Government, to promote citizen interaction through the use of the Internet, and thus raise awareness and good practices among officials and the people.

During the visit, he also exchanged views with the Board of Directors of the Territorial Division of the Cuban Telecommunications Company (ETECSA) on the infrastructure and investments that will enable better quality telecommunications services for people, to promote local development through cyberspace, research and innovation, and the digital economy.

Perdomo Di-Lella pointed out that the computerization process of Cuban society, as a policy of the country, has priority at the governmental level, due to its importance in the management of services for the population and ideological-political work. In this regard, "the province is committed to taking advantage of the benefits of information and communications technologies (ICT) and makes them tangible in various areas. He highlighted.

Promoting the spreading of instructive contents, expanding and improving the services supported by ICTs, are some of the challenges for this year with the motivation to continue strengthening this idea that Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz encouraged with his clear vision of the future.

The head of the Ministry stated: "to succeed in this process is crucially important the presence of an integrated system of work, which also drives the organization of it with the use of information technologies and communications, to achieve greater impact on the social, and economic fields and national security levels aimed at ensuring the people's life quality.

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