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Cuba participates in the high-level session: Building trust and confidence in the use of ICT. WSIS Forum

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Dirección de Comunicación Institucional

The First Vice Minister of the Ministry of Communications of Cuba, Wilfredo Gonzalez Vidal, participates on March 23 in the high-level session: "Building trust and confidence in the use of ICT". Forum of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in virtual mode.
Cuba is grateful to Dr. Chaesub Lee, Director of the Standardization Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union, and other participants for holding the Forum and for the invitation to attend in order to discuss and share the pressing need to build trust and confidence in the use of ICT, and thus achieve universal, reliable and equitable access for all humanity.
In his speech, the First Vice Minister of Communications of Cuba said:

“Our country is moving forward in its process of computerization of society, in which, Cybersecurity and knowledge in the use of ICT are one of its main pillars.

“The computerization of society constitutes a pillar within the fundamental lines of work of the Ministry of Communications.

“Cuba conceives the Computerization process alongside the Cybersecurity process.” .

“Cuba considers that in this digital era, it should be a high priority for everyone to promote the peaceful and legitimate use of ICT, as well as to strengthen the multiple opportunities offered by cyberspace for the development and welfare of humanity, it is a high risk to use them for harmful purposes and not in terms of economic, cultural, political and social sustainability of nations.”

In this regard, he stressed that infrastructure and services must be built in Cuba with the necessary security in order to protect people's data and the stability of services.

“Cuba is making every effort to strengthen and develop access to ICT within our economic possibilities and under the limitations imposed by the inhuman and genocidal economic, commercial and financial blockade to which we have been subjected for more than 60 years, aggravated in these times, due to the global economic and health crisis generated by COVID-19," said the First Vice Minister of Communications of Cuba.

In his speech, Wilfredo González Vidal also stated that: “At the end of 2020, the country reached 6.6 million users in mobile telephony, of which 4.4 million accessed the Internet through this technology, from more than 7 million that currently access the network of networks. Similarly, national IT platforms are being developed, with relevant content for the country, all of which is possible thanks to the valuable human resources available in our nation.

“In the midst of the effects of COVID-19, it is necessary to strengthen global unity, solidarity and international cooperation and to put aside political differences and eliminate unilateral coercive measures imposed by some countries, which violate international law and the United Nations Charter and limit the ability of States to deal effectively with this pandemic.”

Cuba's First Vice Minister of Communications highlighted that: “To achieve a world with access to ICT for all and for the good of all, it is necessary to continue fighting to remove the obstacles faced by developing countries, including insufficient resources to expand investment and connectivity, lack of infrastructure, lack of access to education, and problems related to intellectual property and technology transfer.

“Likewise, in order to react to existing threats, it is necessary to undertake significant efforts to build capacities in developing countries, in order to increase their response and resilience possibilities.”

He pointed out the importance of “Ensuring an open, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful ICT environment, which requires the joint cooperation of all States, it is the only way to prevent and confront these new threats and thus prevent cyberspace from becoming a theater of military operations.”

“We must bet on a use of ICTs that promotes social solidarity: sharing and cooperating values that must be associated with the economic, cultural and political sustainability of our nations.”

“It is Cuba's will to progress gradually, as economic possibilities allow it, in the process of computerization of society, the development of telecommunications infrastructure and the growth of the IT applications and services industry. To support this progress in a cybersecurity system that protects our technological sovereignty and ensures the confrontation of the illegal use of information and communication technologies. To implement international collaboration mechanisms in this field.”

González Vidal also said that: “It is a challenge to move along the information and knowledge highway in a serious and ethical manner. We must promote and defend an increasingly responsible relationship between citizens and cyberspace; a more competent citizen with greater awareness of the proper use of ICT.

“Cuba, even when blocked, has never been left out of the evolution of ICT, nor of the cultural changes they entail for the information society. It strives to ensure that Cuban society continues to be one of the calmest and safest for its citizens, also in cyberspace.”

“We are certain that the exchanges that will take place will result in several cooperation proposals as an option to enhance the positive effects of ICTs, preventing their potential negative effects is the only way to promote the welfare and development of our peoples,” said the Cuban First Vice Minister of Communications at the end of his speech.

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