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Speech given by Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, Minister of Communications of Cuba, at the International Forum on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Peaceful Purposes

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Speech given by Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, Minister of Communications of Cuba, at the International Forum on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Peaceful Purposes
Institutional Communication Office of the Ministry of Communications

Honorable authorities, ministers, deputy ministers, ambassadors, and government officials,

Dear delegates and guests to the Forum from different sectors:

Information and communication technologies have become an essential tool for driving economic, political and social transformations, and their benefits are being extended to more and more countries around the world.
On the other hand, these technologies have also transformed the international security landscape, from their use for criminal purposes and for other destabilizing activities contrary to international peace and security, resulting in a perceptible risk growth in recent years.

Cuba argues that information and communication technologies should be used to achieve economic and social development, to promote peace, knowledge, to eradicate poverty and social exclusion, on the basis of rigorous respect for the Charter of the United Nations and international law, and not as instruments to promote war, interventionism, destabilization, subversion, unilateralism or terrorist actions.
At a national level, Cuba is in the process of updating its economic model with the aim of achieving an efficient and sustainable production system, where the use of information and communication technologies, given their transversality, play an important role.

Our country is updating its legal and regulatory framework in this area, in accordance with the provisions of the new constitution, recently proclaimed and approved in a popular referendum by the vast majority of the people. In this sense, it promotes the construction of an integrated, people-centered information and knowledge society focused on sustainable development in which everyone can create, consult, use and share information, improving their quality of life, and condemns the use of cyberspace and radio spectrum for purposes contrary to the foregoing, including subversion and destabilization of sovereign nations.
Despite the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the government of the United States against Cuba for more than 60 years, which constitutes a violation of international law, affecting not only the Cuban people, but also third countries due to its extraterritorial character, and which has been intensified recently with the activation of Chapter III of the Helms-Burton Act; the Cuban State has proposed to advance gradually, as economic possibilities allow it, in the process of computerization of society, the development of the telecommunications infrastructure and the industry of computer applications and services.
This progress must be supported by a cybersecurity system that protects our sovereignty and guarantees the fight against the illegal use of information and communication technologies.

That is why we have organized this Forum with the objective of promoting the use of technologies and the Internet for peaceful purposes at an international level and contributing to the strengthening of the leading role of the United Nations, in particular the International Telecommunication Union, when fostering dialogue and joint cooperation among States to prevent the misuse of these technologies.
The debates held during the Forum's working sessions, with the participation of 130 delegates from 21 countries, allowed for an in-depth study of the application of international law and the United Nations Charter for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Peaceful Purposes; the problems linked to the attribution of incidents, and the role and responsibility of States in the international governance of the Internet; as well as other actors; each of them within the competencies of their responsibilities.
Dear Delegates:

In the current international arena, which seeks to destroy multilateralism, ignore international law, legitimize the military use of cyberspace and use the Internet for purposes of political destabilization, we reiterate that joint cooperation among all States is the only way to prevent and confront these threats.

We hope that the organization of this international forum and its Final Declaration contribute to this purpose.

Thank you very much

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