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The Pastors for Peace Caravan and the Ché Guevara Brigade visit La Timba

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the institutional Facebook profile of the Municipal Assembly of the People's Power from the municipality of Plaza de la Revolución.

The Pastors for Peace Caravan and representatives of the Ché Guevara Brigade visited the Cultural Center at 31st street and 2nd street, located in the La Timba neighborhood of the Vedado Popular Council in Plaza de la Revolución.

They were received by the highest political and governmental authorities of the territory who explained to the visitors the transformation actions that have been taking place since July in this neighborhood.

Pastors for Peace learned first hand about the social and community work being carried out by all the actors of the municipality together with the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Cuba.

After the exchange, the members of the caravan visited and had the opportunity to talk with the neighbors of the area.

This was announced by the institutional Facebook profile of the Municipal Assembly of the People's Power from the municipality of Plaza de la Revolución.

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