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A necessary explanation about the new postal fees

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Dirección de Comunicación Institucional del GECC

Alternative media, financed by the US government, have tried to misrepresent on the Internet and its social networks, the publication and responses to the comments or dissatisfactions of the population and customers of Correos de Cuba (Cuban Post Office), which the entrepreneurial organization has offered on its web site about the new postal fees, a platform where, in addition to receiving updated information about postal services, citizens from anywhere in Cuba and the world have the possibility of making comments and all of them, however harsh and critical they may be, are published and responded to online, something in which the Cuban postal operator makes a difference.

Some of those alternative media have announced that users in social networks made themselves heard after the Cuban Post Office published the new postal fees on December 14, 2020, calling them exorbitant and exaggerated.

Correos de Cuba clarifies that the new fees, approved by the country's competent authorities, belong only to the universal postal services; and they are the result of cost sheets and rigorous studies carried out by experts of the postal organization and other national organizations, which took into account the expenses of storage, operations and transportation, the principles established by the Universal Postal Union and the behavior of these fees in the rest of the world's postal operators, considering also the post-Covid-19 world scenario.

Correos de Cuba, jointly with the Ministry of Communications, which is the regulatory body of postal activity in our country, as well as other organizations and service entities, is reviewing the criteria and opinions of the population and customers on the approved postal fees, including those issued by members of the Cuban Philatelic Federation.

However, it is necessary to clarify that the fees of Correos de Cuba for courier shipments, which entered the country last year in record numbers over 1900 tons, have not changed, remain the same as in 2020.
The Cuban Post Office continues to charge the recipients of parcel shipments, as agreed with the private international couriers with whom it has a contract, 45.00 pesos for those delivered to the post office units and 50.00 pesos for those delivered to their homes, as well as 1.30 pesos for the customs procedure that the post office carries out for postal shipments.

We must also point out that, in accordance with Resolution 314/2020 of the Ministry of Finance and Prices, as of January 4, 2021, the fees charged by the postal service for postal and courier package shipments not exceeding 1.5 kg in weight were increased from 10.00 to 50.00 pesos, therefore, the addressees of the shipments invoiced as of that date, will have to pay 95.00 pesos if they are delivered to the post office and 100.00 pesos if they are delivered at home, but, that has nothing to do with the approved postal fees.

We suggest that anyone who needs information, or who wishes to express their opinions or dissatisfaction about the services of Correos de Cuba, should do so through the website or through the telephone numbers and e-mails of the postal organization's Customer Service Offices that are published on that very website, on the back cover of the Bohemia magazine and in ETECSA's Yellow Pages.
Institutional Communication Office

Grupo Empresarial Correos de Cuba

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