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Happy Communicator Day, Cuba

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Dirección de comunicación Institucional

The Communicator's Day begins for the workers of the communications system with the emotional congratulations of the Cuban Minister of Communications, Mayra Arevich Marín: "My most sincere congratulations, recognition and affection to all the Communicators of the sector @MINCOMCuba. Today Communicator's Day I urge you, once again, to continue developing ICT with creativity, for the good of our people #MejorEsPosible #CubaPorLaTransformacionDigital."

On February 24, Communications, IT and Electronics workers celebrate the Communicator's Day. The date was chosen because of the first broadcast of Radio Rebelde from the Sierra Maestra.

For communicators, the fact that February 24 was chosen to represent the sector is a source of great satisfaction and pride. On this day in 1895, José Martí, our National Apostle, together with Gómez, Maceo and other illustrious Cuban patriots restarted the wars of independence.

In 1958 the Radio Rebelde radio station was founded by its main inspiration, Commander Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, this first broadcast was made from the Sierra Maestra, beginning its transmissions with the purpose of spreading the victories achieved by the Rebel Army.  Very soon it became a formidable weapon at the service of the Revolution, because it allowed the people to have knowledge about the situation and progress of the insurrection, besides being an effective instrument of the ideological struggle in the formation of the revolutionary conscience.

Congratulations to the workers from the sectors of Communications, IT and Electronics!

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