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Concluding the stage of e Government presence

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Concluding the stage of eGovernment presence
Retrieved from the official website of the Cuban Presidency

When concluding the stage of e-Government presence in the country-the first one designed as part of the process of informatization of the Cuban society- new and complex challenges will arise in the effort to move towards a second moment where greater interaction with the population and their needs is needed.

This was ratified in recent days, during a meeting led by the President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, to follow up on this important issue in the bodies of the Central State Administration, as well as in provincial governments, in which public institutional portals are already available.

According to Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, Minister of Communications, although there has been progress in this first phase, now it is necessary to develop the stage of interactivity with the population from the web sites, where the greatest challenge lies in the design of the procedures in an agile way and exemplified with the one-stop experience seen in the municipality of Güines, province of Mayabeque. In order to achieve results in this new period, -he evaluated- it will be necessary to advance in the informatization of the public records of the country.

Among the most complex elements to develop during this new stage, it was highlighted that special attention should be paid to downloading and uploading document formats or templates, mainly in the services and procedures offered by the agency or entity in question; the functionalities that allow the citizen to share with friends or replicate in social networks such as facebook, twitter and others, the information of interest; the online citizen attention system through email and online window for recording incidents and publishing information referred to FAQs; and access to information in different multimedia formats, whether audio and video or both.

When referring to this new stage of work, the rector of the University of Computer Science, Walter Baluja García, assessed that it is a more complex one and requires that processes that are not currently digital be informatized, which also implies a prior optimization of them.

During the meeting, it was agreed that the efforts to establish these new channels for communication and interaction with the population should be accompanied by a greater preparation of the municipal and provincial government structures, in which the different organisms and entities should also be involved.

On the other hand, the results and projections of the GeoCuba Business Group in the informatization field were released, as part of which they have developed different management systems and applications with great potential to be used in sectors such as agriculture, transport, water resources, geology and mining, tourism and the recovery from the damage caused by weather events of great intensity in the country.

In addition, the accomplished implementation of the measures approved by the Council of Ministers in January was evaluated to organize the national cyber-security System and implement actions that provide greater protection to the country's cyberspace.

In this regard, the general director of IT of the Ministry of Communications, Miguel Rodríguez Gutiérrez, said that at the end of the first half of the year progress has been made regarding the designed actions, while continuing to outline ways of doing in the different agencies that allow a more cohesive and less vulnerable work.

In this regard, President Diaz-Canel emphasized that work in that regard should continue with priority and systematically. We also need that those who are at the forefront of these actions -he considered- also act proactively, so that they can diagnose possible problems and propose measures for them.

He also insisted on the need to adequately prepare the cadres on these issues and to take the actions to the municipalities and to the base too, since we are all responsible for the protection of our cyberspace.

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