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The Communications Minister participated in a exchange of ideas with the communications system delegates to the XXI Congress of the Workers' Central Union of Cuba

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Congress of the Workers' Central Union of Cuba
Institutional Communication Offices of the Correos de Cuba Business Group and the Ministry of Communications

On April 21st, the Minister of Communications, Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella and other members of the Ministry's Board of Directors, and the main executives of the Correos de Cuba Business Group, the Informatics and Communications Business Group, the Telecommunications Company ETECSA and the Electronics and Informatics Joven Club, held a meeting in the theater of the Ministry of Communications, with the communications system delegates to the XXI Congress of the Workers' Central Union of Cuba (CTC).

The activity was also attended by Marisol Fuentes Ferrer, member of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and General Secretary of the Union of Workers from the Communications, IT and Electronics sectors; and Omar Pérez Salomón, official of the highest partisan leadership body.

The delegates to the Congress of the CTC received a detailed explanation about the work that is being done by the Ministry and its business and labor organizations in the process of computerizing society and other projects that are part of the Cuban economy development program until 2030. In addition, they enjoyed the performance of a selection of amateur artists of the communications system.

Subsequently, the delegates visited the Courier Company belonging to the Correos de Cuba Business Group and, accompanied by the Minister of Communications, Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, the Vice President of the Post Office of Cuba, Eldis Vargas Camejo and other executives, toured the facilities of the Office of International Change and the new plant for the processing of express courier shipments, inaugurated as a homage to the XXI Congress of the CTC, where they received a detailed explanation of the director of that business organization, Mario Calvo Cruz, about the operation of that facility and on the investment, operational and commercial projects of said entity.

Source: Prensa Latina
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