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Call for International Workers Day: An alive, united and victorious nation

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Tomado del periódico Granma

The Cuban Central Workers' Union (CTC) and its National Unions make a call on our people to celebrate the International Worker's Day, which will be preceded by the historic sessions of the 8th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party that has turned itself into a strong display of the unbreakable decision of making the Revolution move forward with the united effort of all Cuban patriots. Its agreements will act as the compass that will guide the actions of workers in their desire of making progress in the implementation of the deep changes that we have set ourselves to make as part of the update of the Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development.

On this occasion, the celebrations for May 1st will be carried out virtually and they will be happening under the following motto: "Unidos: Hacemos Cuba." (United: We are building Cuba) Its protagonists are the staffs of workers and the communities where the enactment of creativity and several initiatives will reflect the joy, the responsibility and the commitment of the union movement, together with the workers, in the decisive struggle to make our economy grow and achieve the necessary efficiency, prioritizing the increase of the production of food.

As workers, we are aware of the fact that we face a complex and challenging situation, characterized by the economic, commercial and financial blockade, which is also criminal, unjustified and inhuman, and was unilaterally imposed by the government of the United States of America against Cuba. This blockade has been strengthened with the implementation of more than 240 new measures that only add up to the negative effects of a global pandemic. Both elements have had an impact on the high contraction of the economy and the resulting shortage of resources in the domestic market, which has caused prices to be increased and the solvency of the salaries to be decreased. Also, several productive processes from the industrial sector have been stopped or temporarily interrupted, and that has slowed down our development programs.

To overcome those obstacles, we are encouraged by the deep conviction that tells us that only those who fight, resist, and never give up, are the ones who have the right to win, in addition to the accomplished notion concerning the fact that the success of the conceived economic strategy is only possible through a more creative and innovating management, using the available resources and, above all, our own efforts.

At the same time, significant transformations have been made in the work context with the approval of the measures that focus on giving greater autonomy to the socialist state enterprise, the application of a new policy for the improvement of the private sector and the start of the Ordering Task. All of them, together, turn themselves into strengths that provide the agreements of the 21st Congress of the Cuban Central Workers' Union with answers, without forgetting to acknowledge the persisting insufficiencies.

This May 1st will also be an important scenario to ratify our gratitude toward the workers from the sectors of Medicine and Science, for their dedication and contribution to the protection of the lives of all Cubans and other citizens from more than 46 countries around the world. That gratitude is also for those who worked and still do, voluntarily, at the isolation centers, in the inquiries in the streets and in the attention to the vulnerable sectors of the population.

It will be an occasion to acknowledge the work of those who have been part of the production in essential sectors of our country; of teachers and professors whose commendable work has allowed the educational sector to keep their program through TV-broadcast classes; of artists and writers, who have continued to offer their work through several digital platforms and have had to face discredit campaigns against the Revolution and its cultural institutions.

As in every May 1st, we will express our solidarity to all the workers and union organizations of the world that are victims of neoliberal policies and who defend justice and the recovery of their work rights and social services.


The activities to celebrate the International Workers' Day will confirm in the eyes of the world the predominant commitment of the Cuban people to make our national project progress guided by the ideas of Marti, Fidel and socialism.

Once again, we will let the whole world know that Cuba will always be an alive, united and victorious nation.

Hail the International Workers' Day!

Ever onward to victory!

National Secretariat of the CTC.

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